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Goju Ryu Karate Uechi Ryu

Karate Kids

Family Karate

Evening for the family Karate is on a Tueday evening from 1800 (6pm) to 1900 (7pm).  This is held at the Laton Road Dojo. Saturday mornings 1000 (10am)

Goju Ryu Karate Uechi Ryu

Adult Beginners Course


A new Adult Beginners Course starting:


18th May 2024.

Time 1000hrs (10am) at Laton Road Dojo. 


Email or phone for fees and more detail

Goju Ryu Karate Uechi Ryu

Family & Kids Session

Adult Karate

Adult Karate session takes place on a Tuesday evening from 1800 (6pm) to 1900 (7pm).  This is held at the Laton Road Dojo.  All age ranges and abilities are catered for.  Grading assessments are carried out 4 times per year allowing for progress through the 10 adult karate levels.


Goju Ryu Karate Uechi Ryu



This session usally takes place during the Summer months June through to September and at other times as arranged.  It takes place at Galley Hill, Bexhill from 1900 (7pm) till approx 2030 (8.30pm).  This is a adult and older junior session and is in shorts/tracks suits etc.  This covers basic fitness and specific Karate conditioning exercises.

Goju Ryu Karate Uechi Ryu
Goju Ryu Karate Uechi Ryu



This sesion takes place from 1900 (7pm) till 2000 (8pm).  This is held at the Laton Road Dojo.  This class for the study of  Okinawa weapons  For more information check:

Taifu Karate and Kobudo Kai - Blacklands Hall, Laton Road, Hastings, East Sussex. TN34 2ES

Telephone: 07484 303993.  Email:  Facebook:   Hastings Karate Taifu       Twitter:  Taifumaorg

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