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                              Mat Rules and Etiquette                                  



       Basic rules and etiquette for training on the mats (tatami).


1.   Always wear footwear when not on the mats. Leave footwear at the edge of the mats and step on the matted area. Always wear footwear when leaving the mats to go to the toilet etc. As always wash hands after toilet trips.


2.    Bow (Tachi Rei) when stepping onto the mats and when stepping off the mats.


3.   To start and finish class we usually have a kneeling bow (Za Rei): Sensei out front then lined up black belts (Dan) then coloured belts (Kyu). Shomen (Joseki), Sensei or Shihan, Sempai, Otagai.


4.   If you leave the matted area for any reason: on returning wait at the edge to be invited back on the mats by Sensei or Sempai (this is for safety reasons).


5.   Training bags should be placed on the left hand side of the hall (Dojo) or on the stage.


6.   No chewing gum, food or beverages are permitted on or around the mat.


7.   Mats must be kept clean at all times. Clean rags etc will be available.


8.   Mats will usually be divided into two or three areas. When the class is split, stick to your training area.


9.   When Sensei or Sempai are explaining techniques, go to one knee (Iaigoshi), so everyone can see and do not talk over the Sensei.


10.   Beginning practice with a partner, “onegai shimasu”. After finishing with this partner we thank them “domo arigato”.

Taifu Karate and Kobudo Kai - Blacklands Hall, Laton Road, Hastings, East Sussex. TN34 2ES

Telephone: 07484 303993.  Email:  Facebook:   Hastings Karate Taifu       Twitter:  Taifumaorg

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