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Gekisai dai Ichi

Goju Ryu Karate Uechi Ryu

Gekisai dai Ichi no Bunkai

Gekisai dai Ichi Yakosoku Kumite

Gekisai dai Ni

Goju Ryu Karate Uechi Ryu

Goju Ryu


Gekisai (撃砕) Dai Ichi

Gekisai (撃砕) Dai Ni

Gekisai (撃砕) Dai San

Saifa (砕破)

Tensho (転掌)

Sanchin (三戦)


Sieunchin (制引戦)

Sepai (十八手)

Shisochin ( 四向戦)

Sanseiryu (三十六手)

Seisan (十三手)

Kururunfa (久留頓破)

Suparenpei (壱百零八)


Uechi Ryu (Pangainoon

Kanchiwa (完子和)

Kanshu (完周)

Seichin (十戦)

Seisan (十三)

Seiryu (十六)

Kanchin (完戦)

Sanseiryu (三十六

Sanchin  (三戦)

Pa Chu







Kihongata - "Basic Kata"  Sanchin is the main Gōjū kata, teaching basic movements, basic techniques, power and breathing. 

Gekisai: (attack and destroy).  Basic set of techniques for beginners and self-defence. Three kata Ichi, Ni San.

Saifa: (smash and tear).

Sanchin:  (three battles).  "mind, body and spirit". Seen as a hard "Go" kata

Tensho:  (rotating hands/elegant hands). Rokishu.   Counter to Sanchin. Seen as a soft "Ju" kata.


Kaishugata  "kata with open hands". Advanced, more combat orientated kata. 

Seiunchin: (storming the fortress, attack and conquer.): close quarter, grappling kata.

Sepai: (18 Hands)

Shisōchin:  (fight in four directions)

Sanseirū: (36 Hands)

Seisan: (13 Hands)

Kururunfa: (holding on long and striking sudden) Praying Mantis style.

Suparinpei:  (108 Hands): Pechurin.



Kanchiwa: combination of the first kanji in Kanbun's name, and the last two kanji written in Chinese order of Shu Shiwa's name in Japanese pronunciation. 

Kanshū:  combination of the first kanji in Kanbun's name, and the kanji for Shu Shiwa's family name (Shu).

Seichin; (10 battles) combination of the names of Seisan and Sanchin.

Seisan: (13 Hands)

Seiryū: (16 Hands)

Kanchin: combination of Kanbun's first kanji 完 and "fight" 戦.

Sanseiryū:  (36 Hands)

Sanchin: (three battles). From the kanji 三 ("three") and 戦う ("to fight/to struggle"). "Mind, Body and Spirit."

Taifu Karate and Kobudo Kai - Blacklands Hall, Laton Road, Hastings, East Sussex. TN34 2ES

Telephone: 07484 303993.  Email:  Facebook:   Hastings Karate Taifu       Twitter:  Taifumaorg

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